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Last week, I took my agents away from the office for our annual one-day retreat. The purpose of our retreat is to focus on our goals for the year, collaborate with one another, and take a breath from our daily routine to make some plans. Each year, I choose a book and a theme that will be our mantra.

This year, I chose the book, “Chase the Lion” by Mark Batterson. This power-packed book offers great inspiration to dream big and to get after those dreams. A great read causing you to determine if your dreams are big enough to scare you.

He mentions running to the roar. What he means with this statement is when one is met with a scary situation, we typically run away. Running to the roar means heading directly into the challenge with the determination to overcome and achieve.

During our retreat, we broke into small groups and took various aspects of the book, and worked together to come up with marketing ideas, motivational ideas, and a lot of collaborative teamwork. We enjoyed some great ideas along with a lot of laughter and fun. It is always great to see our agents working so well together.

I took the word ROAR and created an acronym for our theme: 


What do you need to do to be ready and prepared for your business?


How do you need to become organized to reach your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals?


List your action items in order to reach your goals?


Tract your results (goals).

Now, we are ready to take on the new year with a focus, a theme, and some great inspiration. Our Beam & Branch agents are excited to enter into 2021 no matter what challenges may face them. We are ready to:

                                RUN TO THE ROAR!