by Paula McDonald | Jul 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
Most of you have probably noticed that the world, our nation, states, and individual communities are split regarding many topics. We all know there will never be 100 percent consensus on any given topic. However, at some point, we must focus on what really matters....
by Paula McDonald | Feb 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Unless you are under a rock, it’s going to get very cold here in North Texas this weekend. The forecast is calling for historically low temperatures with possible mixed sleet and ice. For those of you northern friends, we know, we know – you deal with this...
by Paula McDonald | Jan 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Tomorrow is the first Monday of 2021. For many, Mondays are a dreaded day. Why is this? Monday represents a new beginning of a workweek and offers those of us who are self-employed, a new opportunity? How you determine to enter your Monday is completely up to you. You...
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