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Developed land is getting tight in our little community. Just recently, this sweet little spot completed its roads and infrastructure and is ready for those who are seeking a little elbow space to build their dream homes! This tucked-away ranch is waiting on you to come out and see these views.

Garry Luker is a long-time Granbury resident, former school board trustee, developer, and entrepreneur. Luker Ranch is the family ranch that he decided to develop and leave a legacy. This was a very personal decision for him and he wanted to make sure this was a first-class development.

Situated on the south end of Lake Granbury and up high on a bluff, the views from almost every lot are spectacular! Lots range in size from an acre to just under 5 acres. The streets are in and these lots are up for grabs.

There will be square footage requirements for the various lots. Give me a call today and I will be happy to give you a tour and tell you the lay of this beautiful land.

Call Paula McDonald, Beam & Branch Realty at
