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Do You Work With Your Local Economic Council?

As real estate agents, lenders, title companies, inspectors, or any other local business person, if you have a local economic council, are you working closely with them? The reason I ask is that many business people haven’t thought through the advantages these resources have available to us. Additionally, many aren’t aware of how we can partner with our local economic councils.

For starters, here are some tips you might want to consider:

  • First, find out if your city/county has an Economic Council.
  • Next, get to know the key players in this organization.
  • Make it a point to meet with your council and find out what are the incentives being offered by your area to bring in businesses.
  • Offer to underwrite or partner with an Economic Development luncheon, forum, after-hours event, or seminar.
  • Find out if they have sub-committees and need members to serve on those platforms. This is a great way to really be involved in what is happening.
  • If your area does not have an economic council or development program, contact the powers that be in your area and discuss how important these are and if you can be a part of a community group to begin the discussion to bring one to the area.

The more we can be involved in our local politics, development councils, and other community endeavors, the better it is for all. As professionals in real estate, knowing what is coming to our respective areas is paramount. Your clients will appreciate you being in “the know” and are that much better informed to assist them.

A local economic council is a great asset to any community. Get involved and discover this great resource available to you. You may have an undiscovered gem right in your own backyard.