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Have you ever just escaped for no reason? I’m not talking about a vacation. What I am referring to as taking an intentional time away from work, family and everyday activities. For me, this was not a vacation or retreat rather, a very specific time away to tackle a project I had been putting off for way too long.


Let me just say it took a lot for me to allow myself to take this time. Emphasis on “allow myself”. If you are like me, this is a big deal. As business owners, we push and push with very little time left for ourselves.


Finally, I took the plunge. I wanted to finish a book I had been working on. I knew in my heart, I would never finish this project while remaining in my current work and home environment. I needed a change of pace, a quiet place to think and to be miles away from the temptation to jump right back in to work.


Here are the main take-aways I gleaned:

  • Make a plan and stick to it.
  • Budget your trip. I found a place where I could cook my meals. This alone saved me a ton of money.
  • Determine what you want your outcome to be. *This is key as you plan your sabbatical.
  • Spend time determining a day-by-day schedule. I did this and it served as a guide that allowed me to actually finish my project ahead of schedule.
  • Ask your spouse and co-workers for their support. I couldn’t have pulled this off without the support I received while away.
  • Intersperse your time away with some relaxation. I ended up taking Sunday’s off completely. This allowed me to re-set and to rest my mind.
  • Go away to a place that inspires you. For me, it’s the beach and the water.
  • Celebrate your success! No matter what the task is, take a moment to celebrate what you DID get done. Celebrate the time you were given and bask in giving yourself a pat on the back.


I came back feeling inspired and energized like never before! In my hands I held the 66,000+ words, 7 divisions with 43 chapters! An overwhelming sense of pride and relief flooded my emotions. Of course the editing now begins yet, the ideas are on paper and the bulk of the work is tangible.


No matter what your reason is, I highly recommend taking a sabbatical. I did find out the world survived without me! So did my family! 🙂


Now is the time! Your goals are important! Go and get them accomplished!


 “Have you fully LIVED today?”